My monthly cycle
WAIT! DON‘T SWITCH OFF YOUR COMPUTER JUST YET! I’m not about to divulge personal details you have no desire to discover (although the moon cup does fascinate me and one day, I may pluck up the courage to purchase one!)
I’m referring to my monthly shopping cycle, following on from my unsuccessful jaunt to the local Co-op. Decided to renew my allegiance to Asda for simplicity, and therefore sanity’s sake. BUT I have vowed that on a monthly basis, I will do a bulk order of fair trade and eco friendly products online to be delivered to my door; I will hunt down a supplier of locally produced food; I will strive to have an influence at Asda, however small.
My first two boxes arrived at my door yesterday. Not sure how my self control will hold up with bulk chocolate supplies in the cupboard. Probably need to install a padlocked cupboard and give my neighbour the key! I have a suspicion that I will end up stockpiling eco cleaning products as I can’t see me getting through that much every month OR having the nerve to admit that I haven’t and order less!
The piece de resistance was definitely a vat of washing liquid that Gadget Man could hardly lift onto the workbench to manhandle into position with pouring tap over the side. Nightmares of one of the kids leaving the tap on and us sliding about in £70 of suds flash across my mind, but hey, barring that particular disaster, I suspect we’ll not run out again until all the kids have left home! That definitely must be removed from the monthly list before I forget.
Let’s hope this monthly cycle turns out to be regular and stress-free!
Filed under: sustainability, green cleaning, shopping on May 1st, 2007
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